Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Change the World

So, one thing you will learn very quickly about me is that I love quotes. I truly thrive on them and can even have full conversations with my siblings out of just movie quotes, as my parents know well. Today, I will feature some wise words from the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, Screwtape Letters, and The Great Divorce, among other titles.

"What we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience." C.S. Lewis Miracles: A Preliminary Study

While this concept seems extremely sensible and slightly obvious, sometimes a reminder is needed. You are much more powerful than you think. We all are. I feel as though society and the adversary, for those of you who are religious, condition us from infancy to relinquish much of that power without realizing we had it to begin with. Life is what we make it.

Just like a camera lens, when we are extremely focused on one thing, the rest of the picture is blurry and unclear. Imagine what could be seen if people just changed their focus. Instead of zooming in on the bad, look around and express gratitude for the flower blooming in your yard, the family member doing your dishes, or even the cheerful greeting of a cashier. If we merely change our way of thinking about life, each and every person truly can change the world. Our own world. So, who wants to join me in changing the world?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love this blog, you totally lifted my day im not joking i had a such a crappy work and after work day i need it, i guess you could say i realized i wasn't the only leaf :) hugs.


  3. So true, Tay. What we make and take of life is all about perspective. It is exactly why some people can go through horrible experiences in their lives and come out of it okay, still loving themselves and the world. Have you read Man's Search for Meaning but Viktor Frankel (sp?)?

  4. Reminds me of a quote I just read, "The only difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how we use them." Thanks, Tay.
