Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dear Child

 How much the world’s toils do hold thy mind,
And body captive to their will and then,
Do leave a sense of emptiness behind.
You’re words to me as well: the same again.

They give you naught to feel till you confess
To me. Forgo self-swindling. Dear child,
Every burden to thy numb soul, express.
Please tell me all your raging wars so wild.

Please let me in. Oh hear my voice and know
If you but step into the dark and try
To faithfully follow the path I show,
I’ll be with thee till from you, darkness shy.

Please chose my path, with faith my words are true.
My yoke is light. Drink from my living well.
Thine eyes now dull, bright flame it will renew,
As you remove that dark worldly bushel.

My child, to you this gift I give:
That ye might chose my path and live.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Finding Grace

Folded arms, bowing head,
Streaming tears upon my bed.
Pretense gone, lies forsook
Staring at that open book
Piercing words, parable,
Leads me to defer control.
Melting stone, changing heart
Filling in a missing part.
Speaking truth, hidden fears
Crying out till hope appears.
Searching soul, finding grace
Now safe within thy warm embrace.
Broken door, open wide
Lets him rush forth to my side.
Peaceful calm, He doth send
Oh Savior, my best friend.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Change the World

So, one thing you will learn very quickly about me is that I love quotes. I truly thrive on them and can even have full conversations with my siblings out of just movie quotes, as my parents know well. Today, I will feature some wise words from the author of The Chronicles of Narnia, Screwtape Letters, and The Great Divorce, among other titles.

"What we learn from experience depends on the kind of philosophy we bring to experience." C.S. Lewis Miracles: A Preliminary Study

While this concept seems extremely sensible and slightly obvious, sometimes a reminder is needed. You are much more powerful than you think. We all are. I feel as though society and the adversary, for those of you who are religious, condition us from infancy to relinquish much of that power without realizing we had it to begin with. Life is what we make it.

Just like a camera lens, when we are extremely focused on one thing, the rest of the picture is blurry and unclear. Imagine what could be seen if people just changed their focus. Instead of zooming in on the bad, look around and express gratitude for the flower blooming in your yard, the family member doing your dishes, or even the cheerful greeting of a cashier. If we merely change our way of thinking about life, each and every person truly can change the world. Our own world. So, who wants to join me in changing the world?

Sunday, May 13, 2012


So, if you have read the column titled "About Me" then you know a bit about why I created this blog and where the name came from. For those of you who haven't read it and don't feel like looking across the screen, I will reiterate and expound.

The Wind is Blowing

The name is derived from a quote by a man I very much admired growing up, Gordon B. Hinkley. Among the plethora of wonderful sayings he left behind is one stating this: 
"I am the last leaf on the tree and the wind is blowing." 

I don't know about all of you, but there are definitely times where I feel just like that. As if I am using all my might to just barely keep holding on, as everything else is changing and crumbling around me. Some weeks I can find myself sitting in my room staring at the wall. I find myself stressed and in tears even though nothing horrible has happened. I know that I'm not the only one with hardships. I think it's safe to say that we have all felt the wind blowing at some point.

However, the wind cannot blow indefinitely. No matter how long and hard the storm rages, it will cease. It doesn't always cease when we want, but all who stay strong are promised a time where "they shall rest from all their troubles and from all care, and sorrow."

Mission Statement

My mission statement for this blog is as follows:
Through providing uplifting personal stories, quotes, expositions, and original poetry, "The Wind Is Blowing" will attempt to facilitate the spiritual, emotional and compassionate growth of others so they might have hope and strength, even when "the wind is blowing" and then in turn become a strength to others.
 I had the idea for this blog months upon months ago, and I have finally gotten it up and running. (Well, kinda.) I hope that this can be a place where you can find strength in times of weakness, light in times of darkness, and hope in time of confusion.