Monday, July 22, 2013

Till We Meet Again

So, today is my last day in California as an average Jane. Tonight, I am going to be set apart as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This means that I will be given the power and authority to act as a representative of Jesus Christ and His Church. I will spend the next 18 months serving full-time in the Montana Billings mission preaching the gospel to my fellow-men. If I spend that entire time laboring and only improve the life of one person, it will have been time well spent. (I do, however, hope to have a little more success than that.)

I won't be writing on my blog while I am gone for the next year and a half, so I would like to bid you all farewell and leave a parting message of love. You are all amazing. We all have times where we feel inadequate and unworthy, but I hope that each of you can feel the truth in my words when I say, "You are always loved!" You are never alone or deserted. You matter to Him. 

My mission in life, not just these next few months, is to bless the lives of others and to help them find truth and happiness. That is why I have this blog. That is why I write to you. I care about each and every one of you, even if I am unaware of your particular situation. I pray for the guidance to write what you need to hear, that I may be a tool in the Lord's hands helping him to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.

You need not be blown about as "chaff in the wind." Your Father is there to guide you through the storms of life. There is help when you are struggling; just ask. 

If there are any of you who wish to receive my weekly emails while I am away in Montana and have not given me your email yet, send me a message or leave your email as a comment below.

God be with you till we meet again.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Lost and Found

I love art. I love the feelings that a mere piece of print or canvas can evoke. I love trying to figure out why the artist chose the subject and medium that he did. Most of all, I love the peace and beauty that can be found and portrayed.

{Now, before you begin to test my knowledge of Da Vinci, Van Gogh, or Alexandros of Antioch, I must admit that I am not the most educated of art critics. I still have much to learn as I collect other people's art and experiment making my own.}

Today, I found a picture that I just had to get.

It is called, "Lost and Found" by Greg Olsen.

Perhaps the purpose was to:
  • Show that Christ cares, no matter why the young man is in his current situation or where he is going.
  • Contrast the Savior's reaction to our own reactions. Do we see others around us as children of God who are loved just as much as us?
  • Say that Christ can be seen in the kindness of others. Could Olsen possibly have envisioned the Savior shining through a caring stranger who stopped to talk to the lonely boy on the bench?

Is there a possibility that all three are valid?

You decide.

That is what I love about art.